
A not for profit network of self-help websites.
Welcome! I hope I can help you find what you're looking for! Anytime you see an underlined word in a different color you're being offered
an opportunity to learn more than what you came here for. It's important to understand the true meanings of your emotions
and feelings as well as many other topics that are within this network. This entire network is set up to help those who want
to help themselves find a sense of peace in their lives - discover who resides within and recover from whatever life has dealt
you. Clicking on the underlined link words will open
a new window so whatever page you began on will remain waiting for you
to get back to it!
If you can't find what you're looking for here, scroll
down to see an entire menu of what is offered within the emotional feelings network of sites!

There's a new site in the network! I am almost finished
completing each page, but I can't wait anymore to tell you all about it! Please pay it a visit soon! It's an important topic!
nuture 101
read my personal blog about living with emotional feelings!
and you can help support me in my writing ventures by visiting my health and happiness column
for the Dayton, Ohio area by clicking here! Even though you don't live in the Dayton area you can get some great health and happiness ideas by reading
my column and then looking for something similar in your area!
I do appreciate you so much!
apologize for showing feeling .
When you do so, you apologize for the truth."
Benjamin Disraeli
Need information concerning mental health issues? These two sites might be what you're looking for!
Sites addressing Mental Health issues:
anxieties 101
This website was actually the original website of the entire network.
It was designed to show how our mental health can affect all of us - no matter what gender or what age. It also shows how
our lifestyle factors affect our mental health.
Pages within anxieties 101 are:
about anxieties
about mental illness
my own personal
inventory: an exercise in studying one's past
generalized and
social anxiety
panic disorder
obsessive compulsive
post traumatic stress
how it all works:
a glossary of mental health words, explanations of how the brain works, chemicals in the brain, stigma of mental illness,
children and mental
teenagers and mental
young adults and
mental illness
women and mental
men and mental illness
seniors citizens
and mental illness
lifestyle diet
lifestyle exercise
lifestyle sleep
lifestyle relaxation
lifestyle counseling
lifestyle medications
bipolar disorder
phobia list
affective or mood
sleep disorders
in children
children and parenting
hormonal problems
with women and mental health
physical illnesses
to watch for
my personal dealings
with post traumatic stress disorder
anxieties 102
A carbon
copy site of anxieties 101 - just more information.
try recovering 101
This site describes a personal growth recovery journey and the
questions you might have.
the homepage
what is this
site about? why bother? what is recovery? how can it help me?
what is the emotional
feelings network of sites? it's one person's recovery story - shared with you!
how to use the
network for all you stubborn, hard headed people, like I used to be!
how it all comes
it's all about you learning to love you!
abuse 101
Abuse and domestic
violence were once included in the original site website I designed - anxiety understanding - but had to be taken out when
anxieties 101 became a reality. It was important to me to include this in information pertaining to mental health because
I personally lived in domestic violence my entire life, but had never known about mental illness.
Even after visiting
the emergency room almost everyday for one year, no one ever told me I might be experiencing an anxiety or panic attack. I
had several endoscopic procedures and saw specialists regularly, even took Percocet while pregnant to control my chest pain
because the specialists didn't understand what was causing me the unbearable pain.
I was finally diagnosed
with post traumatic stress disorder, depression and an eating disorder. I firmly assert that all victims of abuse and domestic
violence need to engage in a mental health assessment when entering shelters, as well as their children. If mental health
was a priority, perhaps it wouldn't take women so long to leave their abusive husband, partners, parents, or whoever instead
of it taking up to seven times of leaving the abusive situation to finally leave for good.
The following pages
are found on the abuse 101 website:
the homepage
if you are being
abused now
about abuse
about control
about abuse of power
about abusive people
survival behaviors
emotional abuse
child abuse
bullies - both childhood
and adult
teen dating violence
elder abuse
verbal abuse
physical abuse
sexual abuse
spiritual abuse
financial abuse
narcissistic abuse
abuse at work
domestic violence
coping mechanisms
domestic violence
leaving an abusive
abusive women
once abused
if your abuser is
a cop if your abuser is your parent
night eating
Welcome! Once again,
I had to personally include eating and sleeping disorders in my own personal growth recovery journey so a website emerged
concerning them all. I personally have dealt with night eating syndrome, an eating/sleeping disorder most of my life. I moderate
a support group for night eaters, visit the site by clicking the above link to join the group. You'll see the link on every
page to join.
Eating disorders,
mental health, abuse, domestic violence are all connected. This was a very difficult part of my recovery. Although I beat
eating at night, my sleep remains disordered and my eating habits are still not as healthy and consistent as they need to
To learn more about
the site, just click on the link above! Here are the pages included within the night eating website:
the homepage
night eating...
what is it?
what's your relationship
with yourself like?
eating disorders
abuse and trauma
still searching?
click here
about sleeping
sleep disorders
emotions and feelings
are you mindful
and aware?
anxiety disorders
the latest scoop
take my survey
how it all works
where does all your
energy go?
my personal story
nobody's perfect
lifestyle diet
lifestyle exercise
lifestyle sleep
you are a valuable
lifestyle relaxation
lifestyle counseling
and medications words of encouragement
Both changes websites have the same pages, although changes 2 has more up to date information!
The following pages are found in the changes sites!
the homepage
gimme contact
gimme goals
gimme a plan
gimme no hang ups!
lifestyle diet
marvelous miscellany
lifestyle exercise
exercise defeat
endurance training
strength training
tai chi
water aerobics
lifestyle sleep
lifestyle relaxation
relaxation breathing
relaxation techniques
lifestyle counseling
behavioral counseling
cognitive behavioral
counseling method
group therapy
interpersonal therapy
lifestyle medications
emotions and feelings
lifestyle quit smoking
There are more hidden pages within the site for each topic listed!
the layer down under
I thought
of the name for the next few sites because throughout my personal growth recovery journey it seemed that I was unpeeling the
layers within to find more things to discover and figure out within my own self. So as you go through this site - you'll find
the second stage of what I found was needed for a personal growth recovery journey and as you visit the next few layer down
under sites, you'll see how you are peeling back the layers of time in your own journey as well!
the homepage
covers three pages
including alcohol, drugs, smoking, gambling, sex, the Internet, prescription medications, shopping and more!
attention to attitude
extracting beliefs:
where did your belief system come from?
befriending your
body image
accepting change
examining emotions:
and emotional intelligence - what is that?
feelings - our messengers
intentions - do
they matter?
investigating intuition
what is "letting
suggesting learning
listening skills
mingling in mindfulness
opinions - what's
living in the present
explaining risk
stress - it's truly
a problem
thoughts, thought
process, and thinking - 3 whole pages of information!
the layer down under that
the homepage
about the layer
down under experience
looking within -
thoughts and feelings about whose fault things are
looking within -
am i an abuser?
looking within -
am i someone who abandons others?
consistency - learn
about it and use it!
about suicide -
it's a shame
coping mechanisms
communication skills
- 2 pages of info
personality and
family dysfunction
more layers down under
the homepage
body image
listening skills
different religions
Throughout my personal growth and recovery journey I've had to become
very truthful with myself concerning how my religious beliefs swayed my thinking throughout my difficult past. Defining our
own personal religious beliefs, I believe, is something very important instead of just adopting the beliefs of our parents.
Take a peek and see if anything touches you!
the homepage
about this site
my first religion
believing in God
Sharing your Story
recovery - does
religion help in recovery?
different religions
why is religion
important to us?
domestic violence
and religion
did you ever join
a cult? was it spiritual abuse?
do they really care
about you at church?
getting informed
practices, traditions,
and service work
bible talk
youth and religion
these days ask me!
nurture 101
a new addition to the emotional feelings network of sites!
It's about time I added this topic!
the homepage
what is nurture?
why is nurture
bonding and attachment
more about empathy
more about self
more about unconditional
more about honesty
more about respect
more about encouragement
more about safety
results of lack
of nurture
nurturing your
turning nurture
nurturing mother
- self parenting - and self nurturing
nurturing spirituality nurture in business
children 101
you are here!
In keeping with my original theme in anxieties 101 - I wanted to take
the gender/age groups a step further with their own personal sites. Information concerning children is of the utmost importance
since children don't come with how to manuals when they are born; I feel it's important to look at our own upbringings, realize
the results of the parenting practices of our parents and then teach ourselves what different parenting skills are needed
to raise emotionally and physically healthy kids!
the homepage
mental health issues
facing children
Mental Health: In
the womb and the first year of life
Mental Health: Two,
Three and Four for more!
Mental Health: The
Elementary School Child
Mental Health: The
Chaos Begins! Almost teens!
(Teens have their own site)
Emotions and Feelings
Just Love 'Em -
What children need
Children and Fear
Children and Anger
Children and Control
Power Struggles
How to Communicate
Limits and Boundaries
Self Esteem
Dealing with Bullies
Character and Values
Social Skills
Children and Friendships
Children need Extended
Lifestyle Factors
- diet, exercise, sleep, relaxation
Children and Responsibilities
School and Education
Sex Education
Gifted Children
Children with Special
Children with Special
Children and Stress
Abuse and Neglect
Dysfunctional family
Children and Divorce
Parenting Tips
Same Sex Parenting
Step Families
Foster Homes
No Kids, be a mentor!
When Kids Self Medicate
When a Parent Dies
When a Sibling Dies
Children and Trauma
There's more information here, some pages aren't completed, but as always
- this network is a work in progress - a personal challenge that is included in my own personal growth recovery journey!
I do the best I can to help as many people and address as many topics as possible!
teenscene has been undergoing some changes, but pay it a visit and recommend it
to a teen you know!
you've found teenscene
anxiety disorders
panic disorders
post traumatic stress
obsessive compulsive
how it works
dear kat
his down time
self esteem
emotions and feelings
values - what does
that word mean to you
learning how to
school - what's
up with that?
tolerance in diversity
running away no one cares about me!
angels and princesses
angels and
princesses is the teen girls site that is breaking off from
teenscene! There's just too much info for girls and guys to be included in one site and not enough space! It's still a work
in progress but check it out!
why visit?
who are you?
a girlz gotta diet!
a girlz gotta workout!
beauty sleep
self pampering
her choices
her relationships
do you have an attitude?
her family life
her spirituality
her creativity her favorite things
it's in the
works !!!
why are you here?
his mental health
his physical health
who do you want
to be when you grow up?
his diet
his exercise
his chill time
his sleep time
his relationships
his family life
his choices
it's not ready
for visitors, but will be soon!
teens are emotionally feeling
This site is coming
along as well. I just feel that many of the emotions and feelings pages are for adults more than teens and whose more emotional
than teens? They needed their own site, so it's in the works!
emotions and feelings
feeling abandoned
feeling accepted
feeling accountable
feeling affectionate
feeling aggressive
feeling ambivalent
feeling angry
feeling anxious
feeling appreciative
feeling arrogant
feeling avoidant
feeling aware
feeling awkward
feeling balanced
feeling blamed
feeling bored
feeling caring
feeling close
feeling confused
feeling controlled
feeling curious
feeling depressed
feeling disappointed
feeling embarrassed
feeling excited
feeling failure
feeling fearful
feeling frustrated
feeling guilty
feeling happy
feeling hateful
feeling honest
feeling impatient
feeling indifferent
feeling jealous
feeling joyful
feeling lonely
feeling loved
feeling need
feeling negative
feeling obligated
feeling open
feeling optimistic
feeling positive
feeling rebellious
feeling responsible
feeling restless
feeling sad
feeling shameful
feeling thankful
feeling trusting
feeling understanding
feeling wounded
parenting teens 101
it's in the
parenting? what's
about parenting
teens 101
kidz don't come
with instructions
outlining teenage
with your teen
decisions and
problem solving
and more soon!
Coming soon -
it's just not ready yet!
young adults 101
it's in the
why young adults?
young adults and
mental health
young adults and
physical health
married young adults
single young adults
important relationships
college life
career or just a
military service
drinking drugs and
other addictions
feeling overwhelmed
young adults diet
young adults exercise
young adults sleep
young adults relaxation
young adults counseling
young adults medication
do you know who
you are?
do you know what
you need?
Working on this
one too! Hope to get it opened up soon!
parental alienation
alienation is a trend that's fast becoming too common in
divorce and custody fights. I experienced this some years back and I pray that it never happens again to anyone else. It's
a typical divorce
parental alienation
PAS parental alienation syndrome
the part of the
the alienator
the alienated
emotional abuse
my personal story
resources sources
"i've just gotta say it!"
August 2009
kathleen howe
I'm back to work here and
all over the network as well as www.selfgrowth.com - newsvine.com - my new blog at living with emotional feelings, intuit.com, and I'm beginning to write for another online publication called the examiner.com. It's all in a days work!
Typing my fingers to the bone has been most of my days recently, but I'm working on some other things as well, most directly
- my own self. I suddenly realized that I was too focused on one thing - my mental health.
Last month I began changing
my thought processes a bit to examine what goals I need to consider making so I can prioritize them and make plans to accomplish
each one. I have let myself go, "physically" and that's not good. While my mental health continues to be a struggle, I was
under the impression that I would be able to get it under control and be able to go on with the next thing. Mental health
issues aren't quite that simple to beat or so I'm finding out anyway, especially being diagnosed with post traumatic stress
I went to a sleep clinic
and found that I was waking up between 35-40 times per hour each night. I have sleep apnea which has continually gotten worse
with weight gain. My oxygen saturation is also sinking down to 50% at times while I'm sleeping which is also very bad. So
I am getting a CPAP machine. I'll be writing my story about my sleep problems and how I'm trying to alleviate them within
the next six months over at anxieties 101 on the sleep page.
I have also gained a huge
amount of weight because of my leg. If you haven't read about my accident I had six years ago, I have had a very weak leg
that swells constantly around my ankle, gives me too much pain and I can't walk but for a few yards and I have to sit down.
I just can't exercise the way I have always exercise in the past.
So I am considering taking on swimming.
I'm so excited about it. I have found that the only thing I can do about my leg is to lose weight and have cortisone shots
into my ankle. Perhaps after losing some weight and strengthening my legs with a non weight bearing exercise I'll have less
pain at the end of each day.
I'm also going to rent some
yoga cd's and see if I can find one I like - then I'll buy it. I need to devote some time to relaxation, meditation and yoga.
I'm excited that I've made the decision to actually incorporate these very important activities into my daily regime.
There's a website I'm very
excited about and it's outside my network, it's www.innerbonding.com. I suggest that everyone visit the website and register to read
some of the free articles Margaret has on her site. I'm registered, and I've added her to my facebook, but I'm going to purchase
some of her materials and start working on inner bonding. I've found that this is the most important step for me to take in
finding out how to love myself.
I have some issues within
my family that I need to concentrate on as well. I will be taking some important time off of working and writing to see if
I can interupt the dysfunction that's currently making many people within my family miserable. I have made plans to take a
few trips on my own without the rest of the family so I can spend some quality time with a few of my adult children. I'm hoping
that things go well with them. My first trip is in September and it's to New York City! I'm very excited about it.
Here at the emotional feelings network of sites I've been trying to get all the sites looking the same and finished.
I've changed the homepages of each site or added a "network guide" which you will find directly after the homepage in the
navigational panel on the left hand side of the page. Tripod is changing their site building program to a new one so each
site will have to be transferred over to this new web tool. This month will be busy for me transferring over 30 websites to
the new tool. It will be interesting so wish me luck. If you see strange looks or changes to the format or background you'll
know why.
As soon as I get all the
sites transferred over I'll be finishing up the current sites listed on the homepages and then tweaking them all so that each
page will contain up to date information unless of course, the information seems to be timeless as some surely is. So as you
can see, I've been formulating a plan to get these sites in tip top shape so they take less time to maintain.
I haven't had an income
for seven years so that is one of my priorities. While I'll never make the emotional feelings network of sites a profitable
venture - I am working on a project that will make money on the Internet so I need to keep my time frame flexible with working
on the basics of setting up a new business. This is why I am branching out and writing some articles on other network sites
so that I can meet some people who I may be able to do business with in the future.
Perhaps I'll be sharing
some good fish stories with you all as I'm going to be doing some night fishing this month with my husband. August always
seems to have the most meteor showers and the weather will be nice still before fall comes. I've missed night fishing with
him. Part of my personal growth and recovery journey will now revolve around working on my relationships and my marriage is
one that could use a small amount of extra work - so I pick fishing in August! Watch out you big channel cats, I'll be catching
you with my mean ol' "Ugly Stick" soon!
As for all of you, I thank
you for continuing to visit the emotional feelings network of sites. I've begun to pay for
a few of the sites so that I could increase the amount of information on those sites as well as monitoring the visitors who
come to the site. This information that's available to me shows me what you all are searching for when you come to the sites.
So after I collect that information, I will research whatever it is you've been looking for and add the info to the appropriate
pages so the next time you come looking the info will be there.
I'm thankful to get that
information because it helps to guide me towards information that you all are looking for thus keeping me current and interesting!
There's more to come that I'll tell you about in September, so keep visiting and send me an email now and then to say hello!
It's those emails that keep me going!
Emotion and Feeling Sites
emotional feelings
This website is the HOMEPAGE for the entire network of over 30 websites!
At the emotional
feelings site you will find the following information:
My personal story:
A brief description of who I am and why I offer this network of sites. Read my monthly column, "i just gotta say it!" on this
page as well!
Keeping In
Touch: Additional information with current articles and bits of information that you can ponder upon.
The following emotion and feeling words are located at this website:
feeling abandoned
feeling absorbed
feeling abused
feeling accepted
feeling of accomplishment
feeling accountable
feeling acknowledged
feeling admiration
or feeling admired
feeling affectionate
feeling affirmed
feeling afraid
feeling aggravated
feeling aggressive
feeling agitated
feeling in agony
or agonized
feeling alienated
feeling alone
feeling ambivalent
feeling angry
feeling annoyed
feeling antagonistic
feeling anticipation
feeling anxious
or anxiety
feeling apathetic
feeling apologetic
feeling appreciated
feeling apprehensive
feeling arrogant
or feelings of arrogance
feeling ashamed
feeling assertive
feeling attached
feeling attentive
feeling available
feeling avoidance
feeling aware
feeling awkward
When learning about your emotions and feelings, be sure to visit the emotion
and feeling pages for the emotions and feelings that you would like to feel and know more about as well as the ones you are
presently feeling.
more-emotional feelings
This site adds a few extra emotions and feelings beginning with the letter
"a" like emotional feelings has; as well as a continuation of some of the same emotions and feelings as the home site!
The following feeling and emotions words are presently within this website:
feeling abandoned
feeling able
feeling abused
feeling accepted
feeling adequate
feeling afraid
feeling agreeable
feeling altruistic
feeling amiable
feeling amused
feeling angered
feeling anguished
feeling animated
feeling apologetic
feeling assured
feeling audacious
feeling available
feeling avoidance
feeling aware
emotional feelings, 3
This website contains the emotion and feelings
words beginning with the letter, "b."
feeling badgered
feeling balanced
feeling battered
feeling belittled
feeling belligerent
feeling belonging
feeling benevolence
feeling berated
feeling betrayed
feeling bewildered
feeling bigotry
feeling bitter
feeling blamed
feeling bored
feeling brave
feeling broken
feeling burdened
emotional feelings, 2
This website contains the emotion and feelings
words beginning with the letter, "c."
feeling calm
feeling capable
feeling cared for
feeling carefree
feeling careless
feeling cautious
feeling centered
feeling challenged
feeling cheerful
feeling clarity
feeling close
feeling comfortable
feeling committed
feeling compassionate
feeling complacent
feeling concerned
feeling confident
feeling conflicted
feeling confused
feeling connected
feeling considerate
feeling contented
feeling controlled
feeling convicted
feeling courageous
emotional feelings, 4
This website holds the following emotion
and feelings words that begin with the letter, "d."
feeling deceived
feeling dedicated
feeling defeated
feeling defenseless
feeling defensive
feeling defiant
feeling degraded
feeling dejected
feeling demeaned
feeling demoralized
feeling in denial
feeling dependent
feeling depressed
feeling deprived
feeling desired
feeling despair
feeling desperation,
feeling desperate
feeling truly desperate
feeling detached
feeling determined
feeling devastated
feeling devious
feeling devoted
feeling dignified
feeling disappointed
feeling disconnected
feeling discontented
feeling discouraged
feeling disgusted
feeling dishonest
feeling disillusioned
feeling dismal
feeling disrespected
feeling dissatisfied
feeling distant
feeling distracted
feeling disturbed
feeling distressed
feeling doubtful
feeling dysfunctional
feeling emotional, too
This website contains the emotion and feelings words that begin with the
letters "e" and "f".
feeling eager
feeling embarrassed
feeling empathetic
feeling empty
feeling encouraged
feeling enlightened
feeling enthusiastic
feeling envied -
feeling envious
feeling excited
feeling excluded
feeling exploited
feelings of failure
feelings of fairness
feeling faithful
feeling fearful
- 3 pages of fear
feeling fear in
different intensities i.e., scared, frightened, terrified
feeling fearless
feeling foolish
feeling forgiving
feeling forgotten
feeling fortunate
feeling frantic
feeling free
feeling friendly
feeling frustrated
feeling fulfilled
feeling emotional, 4
feeling generous
feeling gentle
feeling genuine
feeling giving
feeling grateful
feeling gratified
feeling grief, grieving
feeling guilty
feeling happy
feeling hatred
feeling helpful/helpless
feeling honest
feeling honored
feeling hopeful/hopeless
feeling hostile,
feelings of hostility
feeling humble,
feelings of humility
feeling humiliated
feeling hurt
feeling hysterical
feeling idealistic
feeling ignorant
feeling ignored
feeling impatient
feeling imperfect
feeling important
feeling impulsive
feeling inadequate
feeling inattentive
feeling incapable
feeling independent
feeling indifferent
feeling inferior
feeling inflexible
feeling inhibited
feeling innocent
feeling insecure
feeling insensitive
feeling insignificant
feeling insulted
feelings of integrity
feeling intimate
feeling intimidated
feeling intolerant
feeling irrational
feeling irresponsible
feeling irritated
feeling isolated
feeling emotionally more
This site is a copy
cat to feeling emotional, four! It has all the same emotions and feelings, but I had to open a new
site because #4 was running out of free space! Not all the pages are filled, but I'm working on it daily. At the top of each
page is a link back to that same emotion or feeling in feeling emotional, four!
feeling emotional, 3
The emotion and feeling words that begin
with the letters, "J" - "k" - "l" - "m" and "n."
feeling jealous
feeling joyful
feeling judged or
feeling justified
feeling kind
feeling liberated
feeling limited
feeling lonely
feeling loved -
3 pages of information concerning love
feeling manipulated
feeling mean
feeling melancholy
feeling melodramatic
feeling miserable
feeling misunderstood
feeling motivated
feeling naive
feeling needed,
needs, need, needy - 2 pages of this information
feeling negative
feeling neglected
feeling neurotic
feeling numb
feeling emotional
This is an old site, one of the few that took on the original growth spurt,
but is now still here - holding its own - and has some new emotions and feelings to be added onto. There are some articled
on some of the new pages, but watch for new info to be added all the time!
feeling obligated
feeling offended
feeling open
feeling optimistic
feeling overwhelmed
feeling passive
feeling passionate
feeling patient
feeling peaceful
feeling pessimistic
feeling pitiful
feeling possessive
feeling positive
feeling powerful/powerless
feeling pressured
feeling protected
feeling proud
feeling punished
feeling rageful
feeling rational
feeling realistic
feeling receptive
feeling recognized
feeling regretful
feeling rejected
feeling relaxed
feeling reliable
feeling relieved
feeling remorseful
feeling resentful
feeling resilient
feeling respected
feeling responsible
feeling revengeful
feeling emotional, 5
This site came about because Tripod, the host of these free-sites, accidentally
deleted one of my sites called, "emotional feelings." I had to quickly change all the links on 30+ sites that went to emotional
feelings - and I'm afraid I haven't finished the job yet. But feeling emotional, 5 added a few more emotions and feelings
to the mix and is almost completed. Bear with me on the completion of the site please!
The following emotions and feelings are found at feeling emotional, 5.
feeling sad
feeling safe
feeling satisfied
feeling secure
feeling selfish
feeling sensitive
feeling serene
feeling serious
feeling shaken
feeling shameful
feeling shy
feeling sickened
feeling sincere
feeling slighted
feeling special
feeling stable
feeling stifled
feeling stubborn
feeling successful
feeling supported
feeling suspicious
feeling sympathetic
feeling tender
feeling thoughtful/thoughtless
feeling threatened
feeling tolerant
feeling tormented
feeling tranquil
feeling trapped
feeling traumatized
feeling trusted
feeling truthful
feeling understanding/understood
feeling validated
feeling valued
feeling victimized
feeling vindicated
feeling violated
feeling vulnerable
feeling wise/wisdom
feeling worthless/worthy feeling wounded
your unemotional side
This site deals with words that begin with the two letters "un" before
an emotion or feeling. This site has the first half of the alphabet and the #2 site deals with the last half of the alphabet!
your unemotional side, 2
unlimited feeling unloved feeling unmotivated feeling unneeded feeling unpleasant feeling
unprotected feeling unprovoked unrealistic feelings feeling unreliable unrecognized feelings, feeling unrecognized unresolved
feelings feeling unsafe feeling unsuccessful
the self pages
The self pages started out because I found the need to learn more about
myself in my personal growth recovery journey. This site speaks to "self" emotions and feelings; for example - self acceptance
and self confident. It's important that we learn as much as possible about our own selves as we can't move forward in personal
growth and recovery until we've faced our own self. Check it out. The following pages are available on this site!
the self pages -
the homepage
the self
self absorbed
self acceptance
self actualization
self affirmation
self blaming
self care
self centered
self concept
self confident
self consciousness
self contentment
self control
self critical
self deceptive
self defeating
self defense
self destructive
self development
self disclosure
self discovery
self doubt
self esteem
self examination
self forgiveness
self growth
self hatred
self harm - self
self healing
self help
self image
self image
self improvement
self induced
self judgment
self indulgent
self liberated
self loathing
self love
self motivated
self protective
self punishment
self reinforcement
self responsibility
self sabotage
self soothing
self suppression
self supportive
self talk
self victimization
self worth
physical you 101
This site isn't
finished yet, but lo and behold you'll get some information should you venture there. I'm working as fast as I can to finish
up these unfinished sites!
about this site
lifestyle factors
and your physical health
exercise and physical
blood pressure
the heart
women and their
men and their heart
heart disease
treatment for heart
disease or heart attack
how emotions and
feelings are connected to physical health
your kidneys
respiratory system
the glossary
drugs these days
cattle prodding
- the tests they have to do
illnesses and the
emotions and feelings they produce
the immune system
and then there's
men and cancer
women and cancer
cancer and your
cancer and lifestyle
living in chronic
nervous system
nerve disorders
and dementia
life skills 101
A new site, just
barely started, but does have some information. I'm thinking how important life skills are and parents are forgetting to be
sure to teach their young adults how to be independent and responsible adults by teaching them proper life skills. Check it
out as it gets completed!
why life skills
a man is not a car
very important stuff
ignorance is not
communication skills
social skills
resolving conflicts
accepting yourself
and accepting differences
concerns for others
nurturing relationships
your job
the following web links are provided
for your convenience in visiting the source sites of the information displayed on this page:

Click here to visit the Red Cross page that allows you to access your local
chapter of the Red Cross by entering your zip code in the specified box, to see how you can help in your area. You can also
call your local Red Cross Chapter that you can find the number for online or in your local phone book to volunteer for any openings that may need to be filled or you can find another way to help others there
as well!
you've been visiting children
please have a great day & take a few minutes
to explore some of the other sites in the emotional feelings network of sites! explore the unresolved emotions & feelings that may be the cause of some of your pain & hurt...
be curious & open to new possibilities! thanks again for visiting at anxieties 102!
almost 30 sites, all designed, editted & maintained by kathleen!
until next time: consider
yourself hugged by a friend today!
til' next time! kathleen
this is simply an
informational website concerning emotions & feelings. it does not advise anyone to perform methods -treatments -
practice described within, endorse methods described anywhere within or advise any visitor with medical or psychological
treatment that should be considered only thru a medical doctor, medical professional, or mental health professional.
in no way are we a medical professional or mental health professional.