welcome to children 101

Mental Health: The Elementary School Child

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mental health issues facing children
Mental Health: in the womb & the first year of life....
Mental Health: Two, Three & Four for more!
Mental Health: The Elementary School Child
Mental Health: The Chaos Begins - Almost Teens...
Emotions & Feelings
Just Love 'Em - What Children Need
Children & Fear
children & anger
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Power Struggles
learning to communicate...it's a 2 way street!
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do you have children or transport children?

click here... it's an emotional feeling "you tube video" that'll cause you to be more careful in how you transport your child(ren).

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the terrible two's!

the kids...

This page covers tons of information so you'll be transferred off to a new page for each age.
Be sure to check back often for new info. This age group is sorely missed when mental health issues crop up.
Girls & Boys are very different as well! See how each age page is separated, for pertinent info for each gender!  

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Childhood Mental Disorders: Repetitive Behaviors That Usually Involve Movement - by Deane G. Baldwin, M.D.

The group of mental disorders discussed here have behavioral characteristics that were once thought to be very different from one another but are now considered similar because of their repetitious nature that usually involves movement.

Tic Disorder should be included in this group & has been discussed in a previous article that can be reviewed at www.AbleDev.Com in the resource room.

A note of interest is that Tic Disorder is frequently seen in individuals with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. The latter will be discussed here along with stereotypical movements often noted in individuals with Pervasive Developmental Disorder, Stereotypic Movement Disorder & Trichotillomania.

A stereotypy is generally regarded as a rhythmical, repetitive, socially unacceptable & purposeless movement or senseless vocalization.
The activity is deliberate to the point of being "driven".

The diagnosis of Stereotypic Movement Disorder is made when an affected individual who, because of the activity, is considerably limited in performing useful activities or sustains significant self-injury.

This disorder is usually diagnosed in children with Neurodevelopmental Retardation. The activities, to name just a few, include:

  • self-punching
  • biting
  • head & facial butting
  • eye poking 
  • continuous screaming

Less problematic stereotypies occur in children who are on medication, who have other mental conditions & in some who are apparently otherwise normal.

The repetitive activities are usually confined to simple self picking, pinching, stroking or lightly striking & don't necessitate a diagnosis in & of themselves. Simple rocking or head bumping in infancy & early childhood is usually transient & is presently deemed inconsequential.

Unless there are issues with injury, productivity or social demeanor the stereotypies should be considered symptoms associated with other specific disorders or be considered within the limits of normal behavior.

The repetitive movements or stereotypies seen in Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD) also known as Autistic Spectrum Disorders are extremely interesting repetitive movements.

Usually the movements are rhythmical, purposeless & may be complex, ritualistic & sometimes multiple and/or sequential. Simple hand flapping may be the only movement an affected child might have while another child may engage in using one or more objects in a purposeless, repetitive activity.

Repetitive vocalizations including echolalia (repeating what's said to the affected individual) are also a characteristic of PDD. A fairly complex example would be the autistically disordered child who turns the pages of a book over & over while watching the process in a mirror.

These activities don't usually cause distress in the affected child but often cause a serious social stigma in those who are considered intellectually adequate.

Repetitive activities seen in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) are by definition compulsive in nature & are performed to relieve anxiety-provoking thoughts (obsessions).

In many instances Compulsions involve a higher order of brain function. For example, repetitive hand washing because of the fear of becoming contaminated with germs.

Children with OCD count, check or organize their surroundings over & over again. They're often unaware that their behaviors are the result of obsessions. OCD should be diagnosed only when there is significant social or academic dysfunction.

Trichotillomania is a repetitive disorder where a child will pull out scalp hair until there are readily noticeable bald spots. The child often shows little concern about this & may actually bring the hair to an adult.

One can see the behavior & activity in all of these disorders are internalized & repetitive, at times difficult to separate from one disorder to the next. Because of this some experts believe the disorders have a common neurobiologic link & therefore might benefit by the same psychotherapeutic agent.

So far, OCD & Tic Disorders have responded favorably to a common drug group termed selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs).

However, the use of these agents in Stereotypic Movement Disorder & Pervasive Developmental Disorder has been less rewarding but perhaps worth a trial in selected individuals.

Trichotillomania is more difficult to treat but some experts believe antidepressants including SSRIs are worth a trial.

For more information about these & other disorders, see the glossary at www.Abledev.com.

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click on the above link for a child level emotions/feelings coloring book to print out! it's free & it's adobe!

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children 101 divider

starting out at the beginning....


the elementary school years...

Childhood Neuropsychiatric Disorders on the Rise
By Neil Osterweil, Senior Associate Editor, MedPage Today
AARHUS, Denmark, Feb. 5:  4 common neuropsychiatric disorders of childhood appear on the rise, with Tourette's syndrome & hyperkinetic disorder joining autism & autism spectrum disorder, researchers here reported.
In a study of records on 670,000 Danish children born in the 1990s, there were statistically significant increases in cumulative incidence across specific birth years for all 4 conditions, reported Hjördís Ósk Atladóttir, M.B., of the University of Aarhus & colleagues in the February issue of the Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine.

There was no increase in the incidence of obsessive-compulsive disorder over the same period, however, the investigators reported.

"Although the reasons for the observed common pattern of change in reported cumulative incidence in Tourette's syndrome, hyperkinetic disorder & autism spectrum disorder can't be addressed with these data, it's clear that the number of children with neuropsychiatric disorders & their families in need of support & services has been growing in recent years," the authors wrote.

"Furthermore, while the search for causes should proceed unabated, the ultimate value of these data are their contribution to the growing awareness of child neurodevelopment problems in general & understanding of the resources needed to ensure optimal development for all children," they continued.

The authors proposed two models to explain the observed increases. One possibility is that the pattern of increase is coincidental & that independent disease factors are causing the rise in incidence of each condition.

Alternatively, there may be one or more shared factors, such as genetics, environment, diagnostic shift, or a combination of these factors.

The authors drew on Denmark's renowned national health care data banks, linking information from the Danish Medical Birth Registry with data from the Danish National Psychiatric Register. The latter database included diagnoses recorded by psychiatrists using standardized diagnostic codes (ICD-10).

They looked at records on all 669,995 children born in Denmark from 1990 thru 1999. The primary study outcome was the cumulative incidence proportions of each of the targeted disorders:

  • Autism spectrum disorders
  • Childhood autism (a subset of autism spectrum disorders)
  • Tourette's syndrome
  • hyperkinetic disorder 
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder.

The data were stratified by age & year of birth for each disorder, grouped into birth cohorts spanning 2 years.

The investigators identified 4,376 children who received a total of 4,637 diagnoses.

The diagnoses of hyperkinetic disorder, Tourette's syndrome & autism spectrum disorder all showed statistically significant tests for trend.

"For hyperkinetic disorder , an increase in cumulative incidence was observed across all cohorts such that each successive birth cohort had a significantly higher cumulative incidence than the previous cohort (P<0.001)," the authors wrote.

"For example, at 5 years of age the cumulative incidences of hyperkinetic disorder for the 1994-1995 cohort, 1996-1997 cohort, & 1998-1999 cohort were 26%, 100% & 200% higher, respectively, than the cumulative incidence for the 1992-1993 cohort."

Similarly, the 1994-1995 birth cohort had a significantly higher cumulative incidence of Tourette syndrome than either the 1990-1991 cohort (P=0.005) or the 1992-1993 cohort (P=0.006), although there was no significant change from children born in 1990 thru 1993 in cumulative incidence of Tourette's.

Looking at autism spectrum disorders overall, they found that the 1998-1999 birth cohort had significantly higher cumulative incidence proportions than the 1994-1995 birth cohort (P=0.004), but there were no other significant differences among the various birth cohorts.

Looking only at those with a diagnosis of childhood autism (38% of all children with autism spectrum disorders), the investigators found that the cumulative incidence proportion was significantly higher for children in the 1998-1999 birth cohort than those born either from 1994-1995 (P<0.001) or 1996-1997 (P=0.02).

There was no significant change in autism incidence, however, between the 1994-1995 & 1996-1997 birth cohorts.

The authors didn't find any significant difference across the various birth cohorts in the cumulative incidence proportions for obsessive-compulsive disorder.

"It's difficult to explain why obsessive-compulsive disorder was the only disorder displaying another pattern; the reason may be etiologic, due to non-etiologic diagnostic differences, or due to the relatively short follow-up," they wrote.

Their results support earlier findings of time trends in the increase of autism & suggest that if "the debate surrounding explanations for the increase in autism incidence should also consider the evidence of a more widespread epidemiologic phenomenon across different diagnostic conditions," the investigators stated in their conclusion.

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this is simply an informational website concerning emotions & feelings. it does not advise anyone to perform methods -treatments - practice described within, endorse methods described anywhere within or advise any visitor with medical or psychological treatment that should be considered only thru a medical doctor, medical professional, or mental health professional.  in no way are we a medical professional or mental health professional.