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Teach Your Children
by Graham Nash
You, who are on the road Must have a code That you can live
by. And so, become yourself Because the past Is just a goodbye.
Teach, your children well Their father's
hell Did slowly go by And feed them on your dreams The one they pick's The one you'll know by. Don't you
ever ask them why If they told you, you would die So just look at them and sigh And know they love you.
you (Can you hear and) Of tender years (Do you care and) Can't know the fears (Can you see we) That your elders
grew by (Must be free to) And so please help (Teach your children) Them with your youth (You believe and) They seek
the truth (Make a world that) Before they can die (We can live in)
Teach your parents well Their children’s
hell Will slowly go by And feed them on your dreams The one they pick's The one you’ll know by.
you ever ask them why If they told you, you would cry So just look at them and sigh And know they love you.

There's a new site in the network! I am almost finished
completing each page, but I can't wait anymore to tell you all about it! Please pay it a visit soon! It's an important topic!
nuture 101
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I do appreciate you so much!

Teaching Anger Management And Emotional Control to Children by Tim Rosanelli
These days, anger management is a hot topic among educators.
More and more, we see angry students committing acts of violence against classmates. Educating the public on the topic of
anger management is the best way to help children manage their anger in an appropriate way.
What is anger?
Angry feelings are normal emotional reactions to daily stresses
in our lives that range from irritated to enraged. It’s natural for children to experience emotions of anger but it’s
critical to teach them proper coping mechanisms so that they do not express these feelings in an uncontrollable manner.
The goal as a parent is not to completely stop the angry emotion
since they are hardwired into our brain. The goal is to teach the children to develop self-control and make appropriate choices
regarding how to handle these feelings.
Strategies for teach children to handling anger
1. Lead by example – Research shows that children model their parents so if the parent
blows up in fits of rage in front of a child. The child will learn to use anger as a coping mechanism for their situations
in their lives.
2. Teach empathy and tolerance – Empathy is the ability to walk a mile in someone else’s
shoes. Children that understand the feelings of others deal better with disagreements with other children.
3. Remain
calm – Yelling at angry children to control themselves will only increase the intensity of the outburst. Remaining
calm yourself will assist the child caught by the anger bee.
4. Use positive self-talk – Teach children
to stay in control by saying affirmations. Affirmations are simple positive messages that the child can say to themselves
in stressful situations. For example, here’s a few that a child could learn: “Stop and calm down”, “Take
a deep breath”, “Stay in control”, or “I can handle this”. Suggest a few to your child and practice
it with them. The more you practice it with them the more likely they will use it during an anger driven situation.
Teach them deep breathing – During an angry episode, our breathing changes to quick short breathes. This breathing
causes a cascade of physiological changes in our body that creates anger. By learning to controlled, deep breathing, children
can short circuit the angry response. Teach your child to inhale to a 5 counts, then hold for a 2 counts, and exhale for a
5 counts. For young kids, I call this breathing exercise “Dragon’s breath”. Have them pretend that they
are breathing out fire with the exhale and that the fire is the anger leaving the body.
6. Identify anger triggers
– Most children respond to specific triggers that cause anger. Ask your child “What situations make you angry?”
The answer will vary from frustrations over homework to bullying at school. Then, talk about solutions that are more appropriate
to the problem situation. You can even rehearse the scenario by role-playing.
7. Watch for the warning signs
– When anger starts to arise, they will show signs. Tell your child that it’s important to listen to the warning
signs. Ask your child what the specific warning signs that show that they are getting upset. Some examples of signs could
be talking louder, heart pounding, face getting red, clenching fists, or breathing faster. Once you identify the signs, start
pointing them out when they show signs of getting upset. For example, “I see your breathing fast” “Looks
like you are getting anger” “You’re clenching your fist. Are you getting upset.” This self-awareness
will snap the child back into reality and help them manage the anger early – before it’s out of control.
The secret to successful anger management is to intervene early.
Most children use anger because it is their only coping mechanism for daily stress. By identifying problem situations and
providing them new techniques for coping, you will keep the anger bee from grabbing hold of your child.
Author's Bio Tim Rosanelli is a 5th degree Black Belt in Shotokan Karate and owns Maximum
Impact Karate located in Dublin, Pennsylvania. For more information about Maximum Impact Karate visit their website at www.maximpactkarate.com

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almost 30 sites, all designed, editted & maintained by kathleen!
until next time: consider
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til' next time! kathleen
this is simply an
informational website concerning emotions & feelings. it does not advise anyone to perform methods -treatments -
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