A not for profit network of self-help websites.
Welcome! I hope I can help you find what you're looking for! Anytime you see an underlined word in a different color you're being offered
an opportunity to learn more than what you came here for. It's important to understand the true meanings of your emotions
and feelings as well as many other topics that are within this network. This entire network is set up to help those who want
to help themselves find a sense of peace in their lives - discover who resides within and recover from whatever life has dealt
you. Clicking on the underlined link words will open
a new window so whatever page you began on will remain waiting for you
to get back to it!
If you can't find what you're looking for here, scroll
down to see an entire menu of what is offered within the emotional feelings network of sites!
Why Do Sally & Johnny Use Drugs?
By Alan I. Leshner, Ph.D., Director, National Institute of Drug Abuse, National Institutes of Health
(NAPS) - Now that their children
have returned to school, right at the top of virtually every parent's concerns is the fear that their children might become innvolved with drugs.
And they're right to be concerned. Whether in cities, suburbia or rural communities, whether in wealthy or poor neighborhoods, drugs are now readily available
to all young people.
And even the seemingly
nerdiest kids can speak with apparent fluency & familiarity about marijuana, cocaine, heroin & such strange-sounding
things as blunts, ecstasy, roofies, Special K & crystal meth.
Drugs are an equal opportunity
destroyer. 50% of young people have used an illegal drug by the time they leave high school. What's a parent to do?
How can you predict if your
children are going to use drugs? What can you do to prevent it?
How can you help them once
they've started using?

There's a new site in the network! I am almost finished
completing each page, but I can't wait anymore to tell you all about it! Please pay it a visit soon! It's an important topic!
nuture 101
Click here to send me an e-mail! I'd love to hear from you with any questions, suggestions, comments, ventings or sharings! You could
also just say hello!
visit my new personal blog!
and you can help support me in my writing ventures by visiting my health and happiness column for the Dayton,
Ohio area by clicking here! Even though you don't live in the Dayton area you can get some great health and happiness ideas by reading my column and
then looking for something similar in your area!
I do appreciate you so much!

Click here to visit the Red Cross page that allows you to access your local
chapter of the Red Cross by entering your zip code in the specified box, to see how you can help in your area. You can also
call your local Red Cross Chapter that you can find the number for online or in your local phone book to volunteer for any openings that may need to be filled or you can find another way to help others there
as well!
you've been visiting children
please have a great day & take a few minutes
to explore some of the other sites in the emotional feelings network of sites! explore the unresolved emotions & feelings that may be the cause of some of your pain & hurt...
be curious & open to new possibilities! thanks again for visiting at anxieties 102!
almost 30 sites, all designed, editted & maintained by kathleen!
until next time: consider
yourself hugged by a friend today!
til' next time! kathleen
this is simply an
informational website concerning emotions & feelings. it does not advise anyone to perform methods -treatments -
practice described within, endorse methods described anywhere within or advise any visitor with medical or psychological
treatment that should be considered only thru a medical doctor, medical professional, or mental health professional.
in no way are we a medical professional or mental health professional.